Monday, March 28, 2016

Disarmed (2015) - A Six Shot Short Film

Date Aired: March 28th, 2016
I made this film on December 28th of 2015. This film's purpose wasn't so much to tell a story as it was an experiment of camera angles, consisting of only six shots. When I made this, I had just gotten a new HD Camera for Christmas, so I wanted to test it out. Since there wasn't any dialogue, I decided to add in the "Swan Lake" music because it seemed fitting.
I originally wasn't planning on uploading it to YouTube and just show it privately between my friends (Plus, my house was kind of a mess at the time.) A lot of them told me that I should post it on YouTube, and eventually I thought "Eh, why the hell not?" Plus, today (March 28th, 2016) marks the one year anniversary of when I started "The Samro Show" on this channel. So there you have it.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bela Lugosi Jr. Autograph Signing (He signed my hat!) - Silver Scream Fest Highlight

Date Aired: March 5th, 2016
After a Q&A Panel at the Silver Scream Festival, Bela Lugosi Jr. (The son of Bela Lugosi, the actor who played Dracula in 1931) did some autograph signings. I got him to sign my poster of him and his father as well as my hat!

Bela Lugosi Jr. is a really awesome guy, a great steward to his father's legacy, and I'm glad I got to meet him! It tip my hat (that was signed by you) to you, Bela Lugosi Jr.